What's the big deal with self-care?

What's the big deal with self-care?

Many people are too busy multi-tasking their way through life, their attention dispersed among the things on their "to do"  lists to even notice how the lack of self-care is affecting them.  If you find yourself stressed out, overwhelmed, and physically or emotionally depleted, it's time to start practicing some of this self-care.  

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Empower Yourself by Learning to Conquer Social Anxiety

Empower Yourself by Learning to Conquer Social Anxiety

The sense of feeling separate from your body along with physical symptoms like tingling fingers may be caused by stress and anxiety, which effects you physiologically as well as emotionally. If you avoid speaking up at work meetings, skip going to social events, or spend a lot of time worrying about what you're going to say or how you look or sound, you may have social anxiety.  You can get control back by understanding what creates these physical and emotional symptoms, and implementing effective coping skills.

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The Supreme Court affirms the basic human need for belonging

The Supreme Court affirms the basic human need for belonging

Belongingness is a fundamental human need that we benefit from individually as well as at the community and societal levels. Belonging means we are an accepted and wanted member of a group, whether it's an organized club or a loose collection of peers. Today the Supreme Court ruled that states cannot ban same sex marriages, providing an affirmation that our love counts, that we belong.

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